Pets are a lot like humans. With age, illness, or injury, your pet’s mobility can be lowered and their quality of life can decline. You don’t have to accept this for your pet. Instead, consider Healing Hands 4 Paws for pet physical therapy in Commack, NY and the surrounding areas. We’ll come up with a custom treatment plan to provide the care your pet needs to regain a happy, healthy, and active life.

Request an Appointment

You could pursue physical rehabilitation for your pet for many reasons. They could be suffering from an illness, age-related condition, or degenerative disease that affects their movement. Perhaps they’ve been injured or have had surgery. They could even just be carrying a few extra pounds. Physical rehabilitation can help.

The rehabilitation is designed to increase the function of joints and muscles. We’ll start by evaluating your pet to diagnose the cause of the problem. From there, we’ll find a plan to make improvements in mobility and function. We’ll also provide support so you can continue care at home. Our service has helped pets for all sorts of reasons. Working animals often see notable gains!

Our Physical Rehabilitation Goal

For most of our pet patients, physical rehabilitation is an alternative to surgery. We can often provide assistance to increase mobility and healing without invasive interventions. You can turn to us to manage an existing condition like arthritis, and we can also provide pain control in conjunction with or in place of pharmaceutical therapies. We can also help with weight loss goals.
However, sometimes surgery is necessary. For post-operative pets, we can provide advanced care for recovery. No matter why your pet comes to us at Healing Hands 4 Paws, we are committed to providing care, guidance, support, and realistic expectations. Our rehabilitation can:

  • Promote healing faster
  • Minimize pain
  • Minimize inflammation
  • Improve circulation
  • Promote flexibility and strength
  • Boost mobility
  • Improve quality of life

We coordinate with your current veterinarian to get a complete health assessment for your pet. We’ll work with them to come up with the best therapeutic program.

Reasons to Pursue Physical Rehabilitation

  • Post-operative care
  • Post-trauma care
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Arthritis
  • Aging
  • Obesity and metabolic conditions
  • Degenerative myelopathy
  • Cruciate ligament injury
  • Intervertebral disc disease
  • Some orthopedic and neurological disorders

Our Treatment Options

To provide your pet with the best care, we stay on the cutting edge of veterinary medicine and technology.

  • Underwater treadmill
  • Electrical stimulation
  • Laser therapies
  • Massage therapy
  • Therapeutic exercises
  • Orthotics
  • Mobility assistance tools
  • Home care programs

We’ll create a treatment plan to best support your pet. Most of the time, physical rehabilitation includes two or three scheduled appointments per week over the course of several weeks. We will teach you habits for continued progress at home. Consistency is a key part of success for your pet.

For your convenience, drop-off options and evening appointments are available. We also have flexible payment options to ensure every pet gets the care they need. Call now!